A leaky roof is not something you should let go unattended. Over time, that small leak can expand and end of causing severe damage that is unfixable. It’s important to take the precautionary measures when you see a leak in your roof as well as do research on how/where leaks are formed. Let’s take a look at 4 leaky roof facts you may want to know about.

Rain doesn’t always flow downward
Water can work in mysterious ways. Although it may fall from the sky, strong winds can play a serious factor in which way water moves. If it is raining on your roof and the wind gusts are strong enough, your roof may experience water flowing horizontally and even upward. This could allow the rain to get underneath shingles and in areas you wouldn’t normally expect.
Leaks don’t always start with water
Yes, your leak is a result of water but its not just the water that deforms your roof and leaves potential cracks for it to get through. During the hot summer months, your roof goes through a cycle of getting raining on and drying up that rain. Under perfect conditions, the rain will normally drain off but if the water is stagnant and ends up getting stuck on a particular part of your room, it could dry up and cause the specific area to become week. This is why you may not notice the leak until the next time it rains.
Holes aren’t always the place where water comes through
Just because your kitchen ceiling is leaking doesn’t mean that the leak is in your kitchen. Water tends to travel and could make it from one section of the house to another before actually leaking. It’s important to hire an expert to analyze the issue and find out where the initial hole was started.
Maintenance is less expensive than repairs
By staying up to date on your roofing and gutter inspections, you can save a ton of money in the long run and not have to worry about replacing your roof. Roofing repairs can be costing so hire a trusted roofing maintenance company like US Roofing to inspect and diagnose any problems you may have. For more information on our services, give us a call at 978 532-6300.