Flat roofs offer a range of benefits in terms of architectural appeal and functionality. However, flat roof owners need to be more careful to prevent roof leaks and other structural problems. A minor leak in a flat roof can lead to costly repairs and eventual breakdown. A 24-hour emergency roof repair company shares some tips to prevent common flat roof problems.

Regularly Inspect and Clean Your Gutters
Rainwater is the number one enemy of flat roofs. Due to its inherent minimal slope, a flat roof can easily develop ponding or standing water. That is why it is important to schedule regular cleaning and maintenance of the roof’s drainage system to ensure that rainwater, together with windswept debris, can flow properly to where it is supposed to.
Timely Replacement of Your Roof
A roof repair expert says it is critical to replace your roof before it approaches the end of its service life. Keep in mind that flat roofs do not last as long as sloped roofs do. If you factor in the constant exposure to moisture, and perhaps ponding water, a flat roof may need to be replaced every ten years. Make sure to call a roofing company to determine which roofing solution works best for the current condition of your home or business structure.
Seal Your Roof with a Waterproof Coating
A waterproof coating is key to a healthy and effective roofing system. Most roof surfaces are porous, increasing the chance of leaks, mold and mildew growth, and moisture damage. Applying a waterproof sealant or coating can help prolong the life of your roofing structure. In fact, coatings have become a standard component of flat roofs to avoid all-too-common roof issues.
Ready to give your property a needed upgrade? Turn to US Roofing for a smooth and stress-free experience. Our team offers remodeling and maintenance solutions, including roof snow removal and flat roof repair. Call us at (978) 532 6300 or fill out our contact form to set an appointment.