Flat roofs are gaining popularity these days. They look stunning on modern homes with cleans lines and simple elegance. But for all the aesthetic appeal that flat roofs offer, they are prone to a lot of problems, such as leaks, mold growth and water pooling. Flat roofs will also require more maintenance and have a shorter lifespan. If you own a home with a flat roof and are looking to convert it to a more traditional roof with a proper slope, trusted residential and commercial roofing company, US Roofing, shares the things that you should expect during the conversion.

Replacement Costs
Converting your flat roof to a sloped roof is a pretty large project that can potentially change the existing architecture and structure of your home and put a serious dent in your wallet. Complicated conversions have been known to cost up to $30,000.
Before pulling the trigger on your conversion, make sure you speak to an experienced residential roofing contractor so that you understand exactly what it is you are getting into. A good roofer can properly advise you on which direction to go and how much budget to allot.
Design Impact
As mentioned above, converting your roof from flat to pitched can significantly change the entire look and architecture of your home. A flat roof may look awkward and out of place with your current home’s design so to prevent this from happening, be sure to consult your architect or designer so you can make proper plans for the conversion without sacrificing the curb appeal and beauty of your home.
Whether you are in need of a trusted contractor for simple, seasonal roof jobs or are looking to convert your roofing system entirely, we at US Roofing can guarantee a job well done. Give us a call at (978) 532-6300 or fill out our contact form and let’s talk about how we can help you solve your roofing problems.