Tips That Can Help You Avoid Roof Replacement Delays

As with any home improvement project, staying on schedule is one of the key indicators of its success. This is especially true when it comes to a roof replacement. Unfortunately, delays in roofing work are all too common. But, hopefully, with careful planning and a bit of luck, you can minimize the risk of delays happening. With that said, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Roof Replacement Delays

1. Consider Shipping Time

Most of the time, roofing materials are ordered directly from the manufacturer by your local contractor, so you need to take into account the amount of time for these materials to be shipped. We recommend that you get your materials from reputable big-name manufacturers who have a wide distribution network. This means you are less likely to receive your materials late. 

2. Apply for Permits in Advance

Most, if not all, roof-related projects will require permits before any work can begin. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for this to take weeks. Be sure to apply for these permits early to avoid delays later on. Working with a local roofer who is familiar with the process can help expedite the project. 

3. Consider the Time of Year

There’s a reason why most homeowners like to get exterior work done during the warm spring and summer months. Installation is easier for your roofer, which makes the process a lot quicker. There are also fewer chances of delays due to inclement weather. 

US Roofing offers residential roof replacement services that include a free consultation and estimate to give you a full picture of what the work might entail. Count on our expertly trained team of professionals to provide unprecedented service and undeniable results. Get in touch with us by calling (978) 532-6300 or filling out our contact form to schedule an appointment today.