You’ll know your roofing system functions properly if it can handle extreme weather conditions, such as blistering heat and heavy snowstorms. On the other hand, you should also be aware of any problems that your residential roofing system may have, especially problems caused by poor installation. Leaving any damage unattended can lead to serious and costly issues that could affect your entire house.

1. Uneven Appearance
Symmetry plays an important role in the aesthetic aspect of any roof. Shingles or shakes should align with the roof’s angles and be evenly installed. Some common displays of improper shingle installation are when the covering elements from one side aren’t parallel to the other side. While it’s normal to notice slight differences on a repaired roof, a new roofing system should have a uniform appearance overall.
2. Missing Drip Edges
Whether it’s a residential or commercial roofing system, drip edges should be properly installed. These metal sheets are vital because they move water away from the fascia and toward the gutter system. Missing drip edges could lead to the slow penetration of water into your building’s foundation, which could cause staining, mildew, improper drainage and rotting.
3. Plumbing Pipe Problems
Your roof has a vent that is critical for the plumbing system of your house. Vent pipes go through the attic, and incorrect piping may lead to insulation problems. Moreover, unskilled contractors might damage your vent stacks resulting in toxic vapor in your roof space. Moisture and leak issues can slowly occur if pipe problems are left unrepaired.
4. Missing Underlayment
The purpose of underlayment is to shield your roofing system and the entire structure of your house from water damage. However, if your underlayment was improperly applied, leaks could occur only shortly after a new roof has been installed.
5. Installation of Incorrect Fasteners
Fasteners are responsible for the overall performance of your roof and the entire building. Therefore, using the right type and applying them correctly is critical. When fasteners don’t have correct spacing from one another, disasters can occur, even causing parts of the roofing system to fall off. To avoid serious problems, a close inspection of the roof is necessary.
If you need an expert team to check for issues in your roofing system, US Roofing is happy to help. We also handle seasonal roof jobs for repairs or maintenance. Get in touch with us today by calling (978) 532-6300 or filling out this contact form.