Roofing warranties act as a safety net in case manufacturer defects are found in the roofing materials or errors are discovered in the installation. Warranties are crucial in protecting your investment; that’s why you should know what to look for in a roofing warranty before signing any document.

Read on as US Roofing, a trusted commercial and residential roofing company, shares more information on roofing warranties.
Beneficiary and Scope of Coverage
Usually, the original owner of the roofing products benefits from the warranty. But if the warranty is transferable, a subsequent owner can also be covered.
Regarding coverage, ask your warranty provider what specific components are covered. You can also ask about other eligibility information, including installation requirements.
Warranty Period
This refers to how long your roof is going to be covered for manufacturing defects or installation errors. Warranty time limits depend on your roof’s components and features, so be sure that these details are clearly stated in the document before agreeing to the terms.
Coverage Exclusions
Typically, residential and commercial roofing warranties specify some common problems that are not covered. These include improper handling, installation and roof preparation errors, and damage from debris impact.
If your warranty can be transferred to the next homeowner, the guidelines are usually outlined in a separate section. However, there are times that it’s mentioned in the “Who Is Covered” paragraphs of the document.
Claims Process
This part is important because it provides details on how you can claim your warranty. On the document, there should be a dedicated portion explaining how you can file a claim, where you should send it and how you can deal with disputes.
Whether you need a roofer that offers full-service or seasonal roof jobs, turn to none other than US Roofing. We offer warranty coverage options that will save you from spending extra on product defects and workmanship errors. To schedule a consultation or get an estimate, call us at (978) 532-6300 or fill out our contact form.