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When most people think of roofs, the first thing that comes to mind is the shingles or other visible components. But beneath all of these external components is the underlayment,[...]
High-quality roofs protect and extend the life of your property. However, even the best roofing materials can suffer damage due to wear and tear or a severe storm. According to[...]
Even if it’s not something you see all the time, the insulation inside your attic plays a big role in keeping your roof healthy. Without insulation, your roof and home[...]
Scheduling a regular roof inspection is one of the most important preventative measures you can take as a homeowner. An inspection helps to keep the entire roofing system in top[...]
Unattended roof damage can affect other parts of your home and increase repair costs in the future. Replacing your roof before it breaks down can save you from more serious[...]
You’ll know your roofing system functions properly if it can handle extreme weather conditions, such as blistering heat and heavy snowstorms. On the other hand, you should also be aware[...]