Understanding Rafters and Trusses

When it comes to residential roofing, two common methods are used to construct the framework of the system — rafters and trusses. Understanding the differences between the two is essential for making informed decisions during the planning stages of a building project.

What Causes Flat Roof Blisters?

Have you ever noticed those peculiar, bubble-like formations on your flat roof? Roof blisters are akin to bubbles forming under your roof’s membrane or coating. They form when air or moisture gets trapped, leading to sections of the roof swelling or blistering. If left unaddressed, they can wreak havoc on the integrity of your roof. 

3 Causes of Ice Dam Formation

Ice dams are a common issue for homes in Peabody, MA, leading to many seasonal roof jobs for professionals. There are many reasons why ice dams form, such as uninsulated attic spaces, clogged gutters, and poor attic ventilation. In this blog post, we will explore these three main causes of ice dams and their impact on your […]

How to Prevent Algae and Moss Growth

All homeowners will do their best to keep their roofing system as beautiful and efficient for as long as they can. This includes preventing the growth of moss and algae on the roof’s surface. As such, it’s important to know what causes these black spots to spread all over your roof. In today’s blog, the […]