Choose the Ideal Roofing Warranty

Is your roof completely protected with your current roofing warranty? In an ideal roofing warranty, goods and workmanship are covered. You want to make sure that if your contractor or roofer screws up or the installation is not secure, the issue will be completely resolved by them. Warranty terms, however, can be different depending on […]

Signs That Your Asphalt Shingle Roof Was Properly Installed

Whether your home’s roofing is newly installed or has been in place for several years, it is critical to ensure that it has been properly installed. Asphalt shingle roofing systems in particular require various components and layers to perform properly. Fortunately, there are telltale ways to check if your roofing was installed correctly. In this […]

Preventing Roof Damage During Winter

Roofs are expected to be sturdy enough to withstand harsh weather conditions. While the winter season can be unpredictable, it’s best for homeowners to prepare ahead of time to ensure they are safe from any issues during the colder months. This involves guaranteeing the roofing system is fully functional and stable despite the snowfall. In […]

Why It’s Ideal To Have Your Old Roof Underlayment Replaced

Many homeowners are only familiar with roofing components that they can see. Sure, they may know what the shingles are, and they can probably even point out where the flashing is, but what about the stuff that’s underneath? When it comes to residential roofing replacement, the underlayment is just as important as the shingles themselves. Here’s why.

The Top 3 Reasons Why Roofing Systems Fail Prematurely

No matter how durable your roofing system is, there are still many factors that could cause it to fail before its time. Thankfully, there are steps that you can proactively take to make sure that your residential roofing lasts as long as advertised. But before you can prolong your roof’s lifespan, you must first understand what causes […]