Your roof is built to last, standing up against rain, snow and heavy winds for nearly a quarter of a century. Towards the end of its projected lifespan, it may begin to start to slowly fail. If you begin to notice any of the following, schedule an inspection immediately to prevent further issues and have the roof replaced quickly

1. You’ve Recently Experienced Severe Weather Conditions
Weather can change in an instant in New England, with sunny days turning to hailstorms and squalls. If a recent storm has wreaked havoc on your neighborhood and your roof is on the older side, you should have the unit checked for damage. While a little rain or even snow won’t have too big of an impact, a fallen branch or heavy debris left can weigh down your roof and cause it to cave in. If the rain has been relentless, it is important to check for leaks and holes for critters to crawl through
2. Your Ventilation or Gutters Are Blocked
As the leaves begin to fall this autumn, the wind may carry them to your roof, gutters, and ventilation. Leaving these areas unblocked are critical to maintaining a steady temperature on your roof, as well as in your home. Ventilation will ensure that the air quality in your home is safe and regulated. Keeping your gutters clear will help regulate water flow from your roof to a safe spot on the ground. If clogged by leaves or fallen branches throughout the winter, the water may freeze, putting excess weight on the gutter. If the gutter falls, your roof may be affected. If the water continuously freezes and melts, leaks can form in your roof and go through your attic into your home or business.
3. You Fell Behind on Maintenance
Since your roof is engineered to withstand most acts of nature, you may fall behind on some routine maintenance checks and service. Keeping up with biannual inspections and maintenance is critical to catching problems that may occur in the roof. Repairs will be able to fix issues covering up to 20% of your roof, but if more surface area is damaged, a replacement roof will need to be installed.
Roof Inspections, Repairs & Replacement in Peabody, Saugus, Salem & Danvers, MA
If you are in need of a roof inspection to check on any problems it may have, contact US Roofing today! US Roofing may be contacted by calling 978 532-6300 or by filling out our online contact form.