Asphalt shingles come in virtually any shape and size imaginable. But under the hood, they all have parts in common. In today’s post, the local roof inspections and installation contractors at US Roofing discuss these common components and their function.

1. Framing — The framing is the roof’s equivalent of a skeleton. It dictates the roof slope, which, in turn, dictates the type of roofing material that can be installed on it. A typical roof frame is built using treated timber and can be used for more than one installation if correctly built and properly maintained.
2. Decking — The decking is the flat material installed over the rafters that create a flat surface — that is, the roof deck — for the rest of the roof to be installed onto. Standard decking is made of thick plywood or OSB (oriented strand board), though some roofing styles feature tongue-and-groove decking. This type of decking is built using narrow interlocking boards, and does not usually have an attic.
3. Underlayment — The underlayment is the sheet of material that serves as a barrier that protects the roof from water infiltration in case of roof storm damage or similar damage to the outer roofing. Most of today’s asphalt shingle roofs feature “synthetic” underlayment, though traditional underlayment, or “felts” are still used. The latter is more rigid and can help improve a roof’s impact resistance.
4. Asphalt shingles — This is the most visible part of the roof. In addition to the shingles that cover the main roofing area, other distinct parts made of the same material include starter strips, which function as the first row of shingles and are reinforced by adhesive. This helps protect the roof edge from wind damage. Another is ridge caps that create a clean look for the ventilation vents at the ridges.
5. Flashing — Flashing protects the breaks on the roofing plane, including roof valleys and transitions between wall and chimney stack or wall. Flashing is typically made of metal, though composites that match the roofing color can also be used. Exhaust pipes and similarly cylindrical objects that penetrate the roof are protected at the base with rubber boots, a cone-shaped flexible flashing.
US Roofing is your leading provider of roofing services, including flat roof roof replacements. Give us a call at (978) 722 4679. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.